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The International Centre for Sustainability Reporting and Governance (ICSRG) is a non-profit organization that shares information, ideas and insights on sustainability reporting and governance.

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#ESGReporting or #SustainabilityReporting — easy to say that #sustainability is no longer a choice, but a must.

However, the brutal reality is that #smallbusinesses are perenially stretched to the point where most will take weeks if not months to attend to an admin matter. So unless the impact of not reporting affect their revenues, very few will voluntarily invest in reporting. Longer term dangers like being squeezed out of lucrative markets such as the EU — markets which can afford the premium prices #Singapore offerings command — are not clear and present dangers to SMEs compared to larger companies and policymakers.

SGTech is overcoming operational problems from ground up to bring the sustainability advantage home to #SingaporeSMEs. We took the risk to depart from what institutions have always done, and took the bulls by the horn by sacrificing short term tactical wins for longer term goals of entrenching sustainability into our SMEs — one at a time, and with strong partners like @ Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Enterprise Singapore.

Calling all SMEs — your sustainability actions will be neither #credible nor help you #reducecosts if you don’t first stock take and report where you are. This is the fundamental intent of #SGTechSustainabilityGuidedProgramme which gives you your first ESG Report.

Come take it up, before your customers ask for it. Or worse, you’re dropped from value chains. And for those intending to bid on #SingaporeGeBiz, SRs will be needed from 2024 if you want to win up to 5% evaluation points to compete against other bidders. And trust us when we say, 5% in 2024 is only the beginning.