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The International Education Standards (IES) provide a global baseline for accountancy education

The International Education Standards (IES) provide a global baseline for accountancy education and are authoritative for all IFAC member organizations. With our two current IES revision projects just wrapping up…
???? IES 6 Assessment
…it is encouraging to see the increasing relevance and usage of the IES by our member organizations around the world. Check out the adoption case studies in the below post????
Adopting and implementing the IES is a complex, multi-stakeholder process involving professional accountancy organizations, regulators, educators, employers, governments and more. Even in those countries classified as “partially adopted” we find many stakeholders committed to aligning accountancy education to the IES global baseline, with many of the IES principles being incorporated into the initial and continuing development program of professional accountants.
IES adoption ensures consistency of accountancy education globally, increasing mobility for professional accountants. It also provides a mechanism to enable the global profession to move as one in ensuring a future ready profession. For example, the forthcoming sustainability revisions will signpost the way for accountancy education programs around the world to develop the competencies needed for accountants to respond to investor and stakeholder demand for high quality sustainability reporting.
Want to know more?
????Check out the IES at
And if you have questions about the standards:
✉️ Contact our IFAC Accountancy Education team:
